Welcome to my HCI world!

I am Jindu Wang (王锦都), currently an M.Phil. student in (HKUST VisLab), at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), supervised by Prof. Huamin Qu . Before joining HKUST, I obtained my B.S. degree in Software Engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University. Feel free to contact me! I'm always ready to make new friends and collaborate with you!

My research is focused on how to better understand users' intentions and improve users' experience in VR/AR/MR systems., which follows three connected threads:
1)Design and evaluate innovative interaction methodologies, technologies, and UIs.
2)Immersive analytics & Productivity work.

I was a research intern in (KAIST HCI Lab) advised by Prof. Geehyuk Lee . Previously, I interned at the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS) and Lenovo Research , under the supervision of Prof. Teng Han and Dr. Nianlong Li, respectively. Also, I was a research assistant at Xi'an Jiaotong University, advised by Zhongmin Cai .


  • 2024.9: Submitted one ACM CHI 2025 paper, thanks to my collaborators and hope for good luck~
  • 2024.8: Joined HKUST VisLab as an MPhil!


  • 1. 2023 ACM SUI: Swarm Manipulation in Virtual Reality - Xiang Li, Jin-Du Wang, John J. Dudley, Per Ola Kristensson
  • 2. 2024 Computers & Graphics: Swarm manipulation: An efficient and accurate technique for multi-object manipulation in virtual reality Xiang Li, Jin-Du Wang, John J. Dudley, Per Ola Kristensson


  • Reviewer: CHIPLAY2024( Work-In-Progress ), ISS2024

Projects (Selected)

Dual-Stick: Dual Sticks Controller for Enhancing Raycasting Interactions with Virtual Objects

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- This work presents Dual-Stick, a novel controller with two sticks connected at the end that provides extra input dimensions, like dual rays, to enrich the raycasting input method in VR. Based on the design space analysis of daily stick-shaped tools, we designed a Dual-Stick prototype consisting of 3D printed dual sticks, springs, and reflective balls for tracking. Two user studies were conducted to evaluate the performance of Dual-Stick in target selection and manipulation tasks. The device also provides novel interaction opportunities for VR applications. Results showed that it can effectively improve target selection efficiency, especially for small targets, and enable flexible and coordinated manipulation operations through the mode switch mechanism. This work highlights the potential for the new structure of controller in VR that exploits users’ ability to manipulate daily tools.

Swarm Manipulation in Virtual Reality

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